Mechanical Estimation Software

estimating software

You may be wondering what features to consider of mechanical estimation software are. In this article, we’ll look at cloud based software, a database of mechanical-specific items, customization, and integration with CRM tools.

We’ll discuss the benefits of mechanical estimation software for mechanical contractors. So, what should you look for when choosing a mechanical estimation software?

Most of the big players in mechanical estimating are happy to give you a free demo and maybe even a free trial. These are some of the features you should be looking out for.


mechanical estimatingCloud-based mechanical estimating software is convenient for mobile workers. You can access it from any location if you have a Wi-Fi connection or cellular service. On-premise software is not as convenient as the former, and you have to update it manually by a technical representative or IT staff.

Also all projects will be backed up to the cloud, so even if your PC or laptop was attacked by a virus for example, the data would be safe in the cloud.

Look for software that has a mobile version that allows you to access data from any device. This is great for the guys on site to be able to access quotes and things like bill of quantities easily.

Database of mechanical-specific parts and items

When choosing mechanical estimating software, look for a feature that offers a large library of pre-built assemblies. This feature allows you to build estimates quickly and efficiently without the need to start from scratch. Templates also let you enter custom items and adjust quantities to create your estimates.

Some programs also feature labour tables, which help you determine which types of labour are required for various tasks. It’s important to find a program that includes labour rates that match the type of work performed.

Can you customise the estimating software?

Mechanical Estimation Software

When looking for HVAC Mechanical Estimating software, consider its customizability. It should include a library of parts that covers light, medium and heavy gauge metals, industrial sheet metal, and fittings.

It should also feature a large number of pre-built mechanical assemblies for a faster estimate. Moreover, it should make it easy for you to add custom information to your bids. There are many features to consider when choosing mechanical estimating software.

If you’re not sure which assembly software you’ll need, take a look at the available options and decide what features are most important to you. While some software solutions come with pre-built assemblies, you can always customize your data in order to use them for a specific job.

Most providers have highly-specialised systems for different industries. Different types of construction projects use different materials, parts, and labour cost standards. Some software providers also offer industry-specific features for different types of projects.

Integration with CRM tools

If your company already has construction accounting or project management software, it’s important to find an estimating solution that works with it.

Mechanical estimating software can be extremely helpful to mechanical contractors and the most sophisticated systems are even compatible with CRM tools.

This allows project and budget management to become more interlinked with the estimating stage, meaning project managers and material buyers can keep an eye out for cost overruns easier.

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